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Health & Fitness

Travel & Exploration


Pet Projects

Great Outdoors

Great Indoors

Cultural Scene

Living in a Work of Art

It's in the Cards

Geek Village

Let's Get Together

Giving Back

Health and Fitness


Outside the gates: San Diego continually ranks among the 20 fittest cities in the U.S. according to the American College of Sports Medicine.  The Joint Commission, accreditation body for most hospitals in the U.S., annually names the elite among American hospitals: six of them are in San Diego County.


Inside the gates: Ocean Hills Country Club's health and fitness amenities include a large solar-heated pool and a spa.  The Swim Club is for enthusiasts of all levels. The Fitness Center, highlighted by a 13-station Hoist Rock-it Training System, treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent bikes, upright bikes and free weights. Oh, and flat screen TVs lining the walls. A personal trainer and yoga classes are available. It's like having your own state-of-the-art gym just up the block, without the membership fees. The Aerobics Club also offers weekly classes at the Clubhouse for all levels of participants. 

Passions, pursuits, possibilities.

Travel and Exploration


Outside the gates: The San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Safari Park, SeaWorld, Legoland, the U.S.S. Midway Museum, the wineries of Temecula, and more than 300 days a year of clear skies. No wonder San Diego welcomes more than 31 million visitors a year from all over the world. But there also are plenty of locals, including residents of Ocean Hills, who strike out from San Diego to explore the rest of the planet.


Inside the gates: Share your experiences or create new ones with the Travel Club or the RV Club. Or, show off your travels in photos at the monthly Photography Club meetings.



Outside the gates: Golf Digest calls San Diego "one of the top 50 golf destinations in the world."  The Rancho Valencia Tennis Resort is widely regarded as the best tennis resort in the world.  The region boasts more than 90 golf courses - all of them within an hour's drive from Ocean Hills Country Club.  Like the hundreds of public and private tennis courts, they can be played virtually year-round because of the fabulous weather.  San Diego's legendary surf spots are regular stops for surfing's global pro championship series.


Inside the gates: Ocean Hills County Club's private golf course is a par-55 executive course that winds through the heart of the community. Many residents can step right out of their back yards onto the course. There are nine courts for various racquet sports, from tennis to pickle-ball. The Golf Club and the Racquet Club host year-round tournaments and activities. The Bocce Club puts on tournaments to enjoy at our own courts. And, the Bowling Club meets weekly at the local lanes to throw a few balls and share a few laughs.

Pet Projects

Outside the gates: listed San Diego as one of the 10 best American cities for dogs.  The area also boasts a thriving and very active pet rescue community, including the Helen Woodward Animal Center's unique fundraiser at the Dog Beach in Del Mar: The Dog Surf-a-Thon.  And, yes, the dogs really do go out on a surfboard and "hang eight."


Inside the gates: Miles of quiet, meandering roadways make this dog-walking heaven. But, dogs need to run, too, and we have a special fenced-in park just for them, where you can turn your dog loose to play while you relax under the pergola. And, when it comes to all things Fido, or Fluffy, our Pet Lovers Club is there with informational meetings and gatherings for the pet-obsessed.

The Great Outdoors


Outside the gates: Hiking and camping beckons in San Diego's deserts, beaches and mountains. Nine of the 20 biggest large-mouth bass ever caught were landed in San Diego County lakes. Piers and beaches for surf fishing lie just minutes away from Ocean Hills Country Club.  San Diego boasts one of the largest ocean sports fishing fleets and vast stocks of tuna and billfish off its shore. No wonder San Diego was ranked as the No. 2 U.S. fishing city by Field and Stream. As for sailing, suffice it to say that three of the past seven America's Cup championships have been hosted by the San Diego Yacht Club.


Inside the gates: Ocean Hills Country Club is filled with lovers of the outdoors. The Garden Club is very active in the beautification of our community and hosts a flower show and a home garden tour, as well as flower-arranging workshops. Check out the Anglers Club if you're into fishing, and the Sailing Club for fun on the water. Set your own course or join our Walkers/Hikers Club. A special bonus for residents are miles of hiking and mountain bike trails that wind through the hills of the 1,000 acres of protected nature preserve that lie just steps from our front gate. A spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean can be enjoyed from Inspiration Hill, located just above the dog park.

The Great Indoors


Outside the gates: While the weather outside is nearly always great, the climate for fun, involvement and learning is just as bright indoors. There are 20 community colleges, four-year colleges and universities in the region. The City of San Diego, the Country of San Diego and six independent cities have 75 libraries among them -- including two (one in Carlsbad, one in Oceanside) just a 10 minute drive from Ocean Hills Country Club.  For indoors of a livelier sort, San Diego boasts vibrant nightlife in areas like the Gaslamp and Little Italy and a music scene that ranges from indie rockers to Avant Garde jazz.


Inside the gates: The indoors at Ocean Hills Country Club is great, indeed, under the roof of our newly renovated  27,000 square-foot Clubhouse. Seventy-five libraries were cited above; make that 76, because Ocean Hills has its own Community Library located in the Clubhouse and overseen by the Library Club. There are 7 tables in our billiards room and Billiards Club members are ready to match skills with the sharks or teach the basics to the minnows. The floors of the Clubhouse shake to the dancing of the Ballroom Dance Club, Village Line Dancers, OH Dance Troupe, Village Squares and the anything-goes Doo-Wop and Disco Dance Club. Idle hands?  Let them do some dancing of their own at one of the many on-site classes provided by the Photography Club, Sewing Club and Silversmiths Club, or simply enjoy resident-taught painting and craft classes.

The Cultural Scene


Outside the gates: There are more than 150 active theatrical stages, both amateur and professional, throughout the region.  Two of them, the La Jolla Playhouse and the Old Globe Theatre, have won Tony awards as the best regional theatre in the nation. The San Diego Symphony is more than a century old, performs in historic Copley Hall and, in 2013, marked its arrival among the elite of America's orchestras with its first performance at New York's Carnegie Hall. They even offer transportation from our Clubhouse parking lot for Sunday matinees. And, if you love museums, you'll find plenty here. There are more than 50 museums in San Diego, many of them in the vast, extraordinary expanse of Balboa Park, which also happens to host the world's most famous zoo.


Inside the gates: Ocean Hills Country Club often hosts outside entertainment, both outside by the pool or on the stage in expansive Abravanel Hall. The Foreign Film Classics group has monthly showings of challenging film fare and the Musical Fine Arts group screens great performances of ballet, classical music and opera. But there are also opportunities for residents to step out of the audience and onto the stage themselves with the Theatre Arts Club and the Choral Society.  And twice every other year the Ocean Hills Dance Troupe dons elaborate costumes to showcase their skills in an extravaganza of tap, jazz, belly, theater, and Hawaiian dancing.  They'd love you to join in the fun.

Living in a Work of Art

Outside the gates: If art is your thing, you need not look far to find a great museum in San Diego.  Of course there is Balboa Park, home to more than 50 museums, but there's also a few you might not know about. If you're into surfing, check out the California Surf Museum in Oceanside.  How about the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum in Vista?  Into music? Try the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad where you can learn and play.


Inside the gates: OHCC has been "gifted" with our own private museum on the premises and in the Clubhouse. Specially-commissioned sculptures and paintings adorn the Clubhouse and the grounds.  In keeping with the Aegean theme of this community, these works of art come from studios of Greek and Italian artists, as well as contemporary American artists, and in-house artist residents. It's a special place to live. The Art Lovers Club is a great place to share interests in the many areas of art. There are also plenty of classes each week at the Clubhouse that offer instruction in various art disciplines.

It's in the Cards


Outside the gates: With 10 major Las Vegas-style casino/hotels, north and east San Diego County has one of the highest concentration of Indian casinos in the country. Some have four-star rated hotels, golf courses and luxury spas. So, who needs Vegas?


Inside the gates:  At Ocean Hills Country Club, the action isn't blackjack or slots.  It's bridge - and lots of it. If that's not your thing, there is always a game of pan, mahjong, or even a little poker going on around the Clubhouse.

Geek Village


Outside the gates: San Diego's mix of high-powered research universities and tech industry leaders like Qualcomm has made it a hub of digital, bio-tech and entrepreneurial energy.

Inside the gates: Want to take a byte out of the digital world? Whether you're a computer guru or a newcomer, our computer room offers residents a chance to surf, download, upload, or just learn new cool stuff. Located in the Clubhouse, it is open to all residents, and boasts an array of networked scanners, printers and 14 work stations with both Mac and PCs. There's even free access to  And, there are plenty of classes to help you navigate the information superhighway.


Giving Back

Outside the gates: Ocean Hills lies in North San Diego County, just ten miles beyond the San Diego city limits and at the intersection of three fast-growing independent cities, Carlsbad, Vista and Oceanside. Camp Pendleton's 35,000 Marines are our neighbors just to the north. There are countless opportunities to contribute to any or all of these communities.


Inside the gates: There are many opportunities to volunteer within the community, from clubs and committees to Board members. We rely on our residents, with all their diverse talents, to continue to make our community great.

Let's Get Together


Inside the gates: The neighborliness of Ocean Hills residents is a strictly an inside the gate attraction.  Ocean Hills was conceived, built and sustained as a community, not just a development. Every club is, at its core, a tiny community within that larger community.  Love to share a good meal? Our Recreation Department and many clubs host lots of parties and events. Enjoy a good bottle of wine? The Wine Tasting Club pops its corks every month. New to OHCC? Attend a gathering of the Newbies and we'll help you fit right in. Proud of service to your country? Enlist with the Village Vets.  And, if you don't find a club or group that interests you, start one of your own!

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