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Our Clubs

If you would like more information on any of the clubs listed here, please email our Recreation Department by clicking here.


Admit it, you've always wanted to jump into aerobics but you could do without any actual jumping. The Aerobics Club is what you've been looking for: 45 minutes of exercise of low-to-no impact work that can produce a major impact on your health, mood and well-being. Sessions finish up with a cool-down and light upper body weight work. You can take your pick from three morning sessions a week, each led by professional trainers certified by the American Council on Exercise. This is a chance to jump at, but without really jumping.

Grab your line and tackle if you share a love of fishing and journey out with The Anglers Club. Local and off-shore fishing charters, tuna trips, and more offer up a great time in the best fishing areas around.  Check out the Anglers Club website.  You'll fall hook, line, and sinker.

Art Lovers Club
Who is art really for? A.) The artist who creates it. B.) The admirer who enjoys it. At the Art Lovers Club, the answer is: C.) Both. You don't have to be an artist to join, although there are some gifted artists among its members. The only requirement is right there in the club's name: a love of art. And when the club says "art," it means everything from wood working to quilting to origami to fine art. The club visits galleries and museums throughout the area and hosts guest speakers. 

Please see our website for more details.

Ballroom Dance
You don't need top hats and feathery gowns to unleash your inner Fred and Ginger, just join the Ballroom Dance Club. For both beginners and veterans, gliding across the floor is not just fun but offers the benefits of exercise and the pleasure of socializing. Don't know how to dance? Two left feet? The Ballroom Dance Club offers weekly lessons by talented volunteer instructors, as well as professionals. For more info, waltz over to the  Ballroom Dance Club website.

To take advantage of our beautiful on-site billiards room, the Billiards Club was formed to offer residents instruction, events, tournaments and seminars for fun and sport. Whether you're new to pool or a seasoned shark,

come by and chalk up that cue.

From veteran birders to nature lovers, to those who are curious about bird watching but who wouldn't know a cockatiel from a cockatoo, the Birdwatchers Club is for you. Carpooling takes members to monthly bird walks in the area's gorgeous parks and nature preserves.  Bring your own binoculars or the club can loan you a pair.  The club's special project is helping to save the endangered Western bluebird from a drastic loss of nesting sites due to development. The club now tends 11 nesting boxes along the Ocean Hills golf course and their commitment has sent more than 100 Western bluebird fledglings flapping skyward.  They also have set up Barn Owl boxes in the community. Flap on over to the Birdwatchers Club website and find out more.

Think bocce isn't cool? How's this for cool: Leonardo De Vinci loved to play. When Galileo wasn't busy redefining the universe, he also was out on the court rolling bocce balls. Explorer/swashbucklers Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh liked to play bocce with their boss - Queen Elizabeth I. George Washington built a bocce court at Mount Vernon. The Bocce Club knows what attracted this stellar set of fans: bocce is fun, it's social and it's relaxing. Actually, this club is known for its great parties and themed extravaganzas. Cool, huh? 

So roll on down to the Bocce Club website and become infamous!

Once you exit the fast lane of your career, the Bowling Club suggests you try their lanes for some fun, company and good times. Bowling is as much about making friends and hanging out as it is about scoring points. Every Thursday morning, bowlers, whose skills range from strike-throwers to gutter-ballers, get together at the local lanes for fun, a little exercise and a lot of socializing. 

Bridge and Card Clubs
Several days a week, the clubhouse turns into "Trump Towers." The Bridge Club offers lessons for beginners and intermediate.

If Pan is your game, there's the Friday Pan Club. And, if that's not your game, give Mahjong on a try.

Chorale Society
This club was originally formed to entertain residents with Christmas caroling around the Village. Over the years, it has evolved into a more concert-themed club, doing special concerts during the holidays and throughout the year.

If you have a song in your heart, check us out.

DooWop and Disco Dance Club
If you enjoy listening and dancing to party music from the 50's through the 80's, or really good dance music from any era, while enjoying some food and drinks and chatting with friends, then this is the club for you. Grab your spandex and follow the glitter-ball to the DooWop and Disco Dance Club website.

Garden Club
If you enjoy all things green and growing, this club's for you. Members benefit from monthly meetings, field trips, garden tours, and seminars that enrich minds and gardens. They also host flower shows and home garden tours for residents. Click here to view the Garden Club website.

Golf Club
When you're lucky enough to live in a community built around a golf course, this one's a no-brainer. You don't need to be a member of the club to golf, but joining means you'll improve your skills with lots of lessons and tournaments and you'll meet a great group of golf-lovers, too. Why not take as swing at the Golf Club website?

There isn't a more interesting, distinguished or varied group at Ocean Hills Country Club than the one waiting for you at our very own Library: Abe Lincoln, James Bond, Stephen King, The Count of Monte Cristo and Jack Reacher. They all live on the shelves of the Library (which is located in the Clubhouse) thanks to the Library Club. The club purchases new books for the interest and pleasure of residents and maintains and stores the books, along with resident-donated books, in the Library. Club members enjoy access to all materials within the Library.

Read all about it at the Library website.


Ocean Hills Dance Troupe

The Ocean Hills Dance Troupe offers many forms of dance: jazz, theater, tap, Hawaiian and even belly dancing.  Excellent teachers not only teach the troupe new dances in all these categories but also help shape performance pieces to show them off.  Twice every other year the troupe dons elaborate costumes and showcases their skills in an extravaganza of tap, jazz, belly, theater, and Hawaiian dancing.  Whether your interest lies in a swaying hula, a swinging soft-shoe, or just having fun, you'll find something to love here. 

Why not shuffle off to the Ocean Hills Dance Troupe website?

Papercrafting Club

Pull out your scissors, watercolors, stamps and paper and join the newest club at OHCC. Papercrafting offers residents a chance to express their talents in card making, journaling and scrapbooking.  Classes are presented  to demonstrate various techniques such as mixed-media, stamping, embossing and more.  This is a fun and friendly group of talented residents. For more information, tear into the Papercrafting Club website.

Pet Lovers Club
The world famous San Diego Zoo - and Oz - may be famous for lions and tigers and bears, but at Ocean Hills Country Club, it's all about dogs and cats, and the Pet Lovers Club is here to help pet owners enjoy healthy, appreciated and loved animals. The Association maintains a fenced, no-leash dog park, known as the Kanine Kampus, that's open daily from 1p.m. to dusk. The club holds quarterly meetings to share information, and guest speakers also share their experiences with members.  How seriously does Ocean Hills take its pets? This seriously: dogs and cats are registered residents. That registry, of course, is invaluable in reuniting owners with pets who go missing. Begging for more information?

Visit the  Pet Lovers Club website.

Photography Club
The club is open to all. If apertures and f-stops are your second language, great. Let your shutter-speeds begin. If you don't know an f-stop from a pit-stop, that's just fine. We're here to help, with both. From digital to manual, we focus on instruction, photo-shoot field trips, theme competitions and guest seminars. Selected photos rotate through the clubhouse and show off our talented residents. 

Click here to visit our website.

Members of the Racquet Club have their own definition of "net" worth - for them, anything with a net is worth plenty.  Tennis, paddle tennis, pickleball, badminton, water volleyball - almost any net sport short of hockey. Ocean Hills Country Club supports these five sports with enough facilities to accommodate all comers. The club is all about drop-in games, social events, formal tournaments and two major parties a year. Each of the five sports offers instruction in their specialties for newcomers or old hands who want to improve their games. Interested? Take a swing at the Racquet Club website.

RV Club
One of the great advantages of Ocean Hills Country Club is a free, gated and locked storage lot for RVs. But hitting the road is always more fun, and safer, with fellow road warriors, especially those who really know their business. That's where the RV Club can help. The club hosts social events and RV trips for members throughout the year, and ownership of an RV is not required. The trips range across the Southwest U.S. and each is planned by a "Wagon Master" who arranges for interesting activities and lodging for RV owners and for those just along for the ride.

For more info, caravan over to the RV Club website.

Sailing Club
The Sailing Club welcomes members from every aspect of the nautical world: veteran sailors, travelers whose idea of sailing is sightseeing aboard a cruise ship, or even a few who wouldn't get near a boat. What binds this disparate crew is not only a fascination with the ocean but the enjoyment of each other. The club charters boats at Harbor Island Yacht Club, skippered by their own highly qualified captains, for a day of sailing in San Diego Bay and on the ocean. The day often ends with dinner at a bayside restaurant. The monthly club meetings cover future trips and regattas and short videos on sailing. The atmosphere is always party-like, with a hosted appetizer bar, wine and soft drinks. Old salts and landlubbers alike can join the fun by checking out the Sailing Club website.


Save The Monarch Butterfly Club

This is one of the newest, and certainly one of the most unusual clubs in OHCC.  Our butterfly sanctuary is located in the walking park.  The Sanctuary is maintained by club members and is open for all residents to stroll along the inner path to watch the wondrous life cycle of a Monarch, from egg to butterfly.  The club has its own OHCC website that provides regular information about the sanctuary and club activities. Visit us at


Senior Fitness Club
You don't need to be jumping and pumping to experience the benefits of exercise. The Senior Fitness Club offers low-impact classes to get your heart pumping and increase your flexibility. Choose from a stretch and balance class or just sit tight in chair yoga. Both classes are offered twice a week by professional instructors. So, no excuses. Let's get physical and exercise our right to visit the Senior Fitness website.

Sewing Club
This isn't just about basting and hemming. It also includes beading, quilting, knitting, crocheting and other projects. There are craft and sewing classes twice a month, luncheons and yards of fun every week. The Sewing Club has been around as long as the community itself. In fact, several of the current members were there when it first began. What draws ladies to this club is the warmth and camaraderie of the women themselves. It's a place to create, to appreciate others, and to enjoy female companionship. Sew, go ahead...visit the Sewing Club website.

Silversmiths Club
If the glitter of silver or copper jewelry has ever caught your eye and sparked an interest in how it was fashioned or had you attempting some pieces on your own, the Silversmiths Club is a great resource. Beginners and artisans alike are welcome. The club has access to all the tools you'll need: an acetylene torch, buffing machine, rolling mill, kilns and other equipment. A professional silversmith offers monthly guidance and instruction and weekly workshops provide an opportunity to work on projects and get the assistance of other members.

Many of these projects are displayed in the Clubhouse. 

Swim Club
If you love to swim, you're going to want to join the Swim Club. Great exercise, great people and a great pool. Out of the pool, members meet over BBQ and entertainment. They also run Swim Clinics, which are open to all level of swimmers, and water volleyball games. For more info, visit our website or e-mail

Theatre Arts Club
The Theatre Arts Club is one of the largest at Ocean Hills Country Club. Not surprising because its members represent all aspects of theatre: writing, acting, producing, stage design, AV support - and even theatre fans who simply want to sit in the audience and enjoy the show. The club hosts eight to ten professional performances a year and puts on two major productions of its own. It would be a tragedy if you don't visit the Theatre Arts website.

Travel Club
The Travel Club ranges both far and near in tapping the wanderlust spirit. Slide presentations and DVDs at the monthly meetings cover the far corners of the earth, and day trips via tour bus around Southern California make sure local attractions aren't neglected. Sharing a lunch or dinner complements the local excursions but sharing a love of travel is what the club is all about.

Take a trip to our Travel Club website.

Village Line Dancers
Welcome to Nashville West: The Village Line Dancers Club. Dance floor regulars glide and stomp to the best in country music. For beginners, two instructors - one a professional, conducting paid lessons, and the other a talented resident volunteer - offer classes in Boot-Scooting 101.  For a peek, electric-slide on down

to the Village Line Dancers website. 

Village Squares
You don't have to know your "allemande-left" from your "dosey-doe" to enjoy square dancing. That's the philosophy of the Village Squares, one of the oldest clubs at Ocean Hills Country Club. Square dancing is fun, great exercise and, as the club puts it, "friendship set to music." The Village Squares are just as welcoming about the music to which they dance: you're as likely to be swinging your partner to jazz, pop or rock as country.  The club offers a unique year-long class offered for beginners and each Wednesday night is devoted to two hours of swirling and twirling. For more information, just promenade over to the Village Squares website.

Village Vets
Monthly meetings inform resident members on all things military. You don't have to be a vet to join, just an interested resident. If you march on over to the Village Vets website you'll find out more.

Walkers/Hikers Club
With hundreds of miles of formal hiking trails and thousands of square miles of stunning natural beauty ranging from brush-covered hills to desert to mountains to beaches, Ocean Hills Country Club sits amid a walker's paradise. The Walkers/Hikers Club knows where all the best trails lie and arranges a walk or hike every week, with some events planned for weekends. The only qualification for membership is a love of the outdoors and the ability to hike and walk. Hikes generally include a range of trails, from shorter to longer and more challenging, so that virtually all participants can enjoy themselves. If interested, let your fingers do the walking this time and visit the Walkers/Hikers website.

Wine Tasting Club
One of Ocean Hills'  fastest growing clubs is devoted to one of mankind's oldest passions: wine. The Wine Tasting Club is made up of several groups of 15-30 members each, and their respective names are a clear indication what goes on when the wine tasting begins: "Grape Expectations," "Corkers," "Bacchus Bunch," "Que Syrahs," and "Clinkers."  The club offers the opportunity to learn about wine while meeting new friends in a relaxed, party setting. They meet monthly, rotating the role of host and wine presenter among members, as new wine choices are presented by at each gathering. If you're passionate about the grape, stop wine-ing about it and visit the Wine Tasters website.

Woodchucks Club
Whether you are a skilled craftsman or wouldn't know your hammer from your nail, the Woodchucks Clubis open to all residents. The club works in the on-site woodshop that holds a wide variety of power and hand tools. The club prides itself on volunteering for Village-oriented projects and helping out social clubs.

In addition, each holiday season they produce wooden toys for the children of those serving at Camp Pendleton.  Come on, discover how much wood a wood chuck would chuck at the Woodchucks website.

One of the longer standing clubs at Ocean Hills is the Yiddish Club. It's dedicated to exposing members to the joy of the Yiddish language and culture through a variety of programs. Though not many can speak the language, the aura of "Yiddishkite," camaraderie, warmth, social interaction, and cultural exposure make this a most successful club. Programs vary through the year and include humor, videos, music, speakers, and live entertainment. The club meets six times yearly, and all are welcome with or without linguistic ability. Come to lakhn (laugh), nosh (snack) and smooze (you know this one!). For more information, check visit our  website.

Other Groups


Once you move into Ocean Hills Country Club, there are things to do and people to meet! Come to our quarterly gatherings where you’ll meet new and established residents. Listen to Club representatives tell you about their clubs.  If you choose, introduce yourself and tell the others a little bit about yourself. Find new friends with similar interests and soon you will be living the Ocean Hills Country Club lifestyle.

Find out all the details at the Newbies website.



Just call us Ocean Hills Society for the Performing Arts. OHSPA brings professional entertainment right to our Clubhouse. A limit of about 500 patrons means everyone has a great seat for shows like Oh! What a Night, Ballroom with a Twist, and ABBA Tribute. And, at amazingly low prices to boot. Now that's something to sing about.  So sing along with us at the OHSPA website.

SERT (Safety & Emergency Response Team)

Promotes the safety of the OHCC community by providing an opportunity whereby residents can enhance their knowledge, skill, and ability to prepare for and respond to local incidents and natural disasters that may adversely affect their standard of living.  Learn more about them at the SERT website.

Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

TAG is a small group of people that have joined together to promote computer use and activities at Ocean Hills Country Club.  It is a service organization that provides Help Sessions, Classes, Workshops, and Featured Speaker Presentations that are open to all Ocean Hills residents.  You can participate in two ways.  Either join TAG and become part of the promotion of computer activities at Ocean Hills, or simply take advantage of the services TAG provides to all residents. 

Of course, the Computer Room and computer equipment are open to all Ocean Hills residents without charge. 

For more information, visit the TAG website.

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